Obras sob Tutela


Book Business

Book Business, Publishing Past Present and Future
Jason Epstein
WW Norton & Company
Chapters Indigo

O Negócio do Livro Passado, Presente e Futuro do Mercado Editorial
Tradução de Zaida Maldonado
Editora Record
Livraria do Espaço S.P.

(…)By the 1840s the American Market had become important enough for Charles Dickens to cross the Atlantic to protest the theft of his property. New York society held a ball in his honor for 2,500 guests at the Park theatre, and Washington Irving was host at another dinner for a more select group at City Hotel. But Dickens’s plea for copyright protection was ignored, and by the time he left for Canada he had seen enough of the United States to be depressed to be by its rough edges. He recorded his disappointment in a short and uncharacteristically glum book — American Notes — which Harper immediately pirated and sold for 12 1/2 cents a copy.(…)

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